Why Use Mulch?
Dec 11th 2020
As spring is in full bloom and summer is quickly approaching, getting the garden or other landscaping features in top form is likely high on everyone's list of things to do. One of the more popular and successful materials over the past several years has been the use of mulch in the landscaping areas is an easy way to prolong the life of your soil, and will also allow it to perform to the best of its abilities in the coming months. Maybe you have never used mulch before and are wondering where to begin and how you should go about it. If this sounds like you, here are a few simple tips and tricks to follow along for mulching success.
Why should you mulch? Spreading this material over your soil will keep moisture locked in, eliminating the need for your to constantly water it. Mulch also has the ability to prevent the growth of weeds and will prolong the life of your soil. The process of adding the mulch to your landscape isn't a very difficult one, but there are certain steps you should follow in order to ensure the best possible outcome.
When applying the mulch to your garden or other landscaped areas, simply adding one to two inches of the product should be enough to get the job done when using a fine mulch, while thicker material should be as much as four inches to get the most out of it. You should apply the mulch to your desired area toward the end of the spring, start of the summer so it starts to do its work as the plants really start to grow.
Selecting the right mulch for your wants and needs is also an important decision in the process of getting the most out of your garden or landscape. Organic mulches are a very common choice for those looking to get the most growth benefits, as these materials are composed of either bark or wood, leaf mold, compost, newspaper, and grass clippings. While these materials ensure the best amount of nutrients to your soil, there are downsides as they can blow away in the wind, requiring additional mulch to be added. Inorganic mulches on the other hand are another great option for those not wanting to reapply very often, as the mixture of gravel and other rocks can last a very long time.